Random Birthday Generator

Start Year
End Year
Zodiac Sign

How It Works

The Random Birthday (dob) Generator allows you to generate a random date of birth within a selected range of years.


  • Enter a start year and an end year in the respective input fields.
  • Click the "Generate" button to randomly select a date between these two years.
  • If you check the "Display Zodiac Sign" option, the zodiac sign for the generated date will also be displayed.

This tool is useful for testing, generating fictional dates, or just for fun.

Have suggestions or noticed an error? Please let us know.

Fun Facts

Here are some fun and interesting facts related to time, dates, and measurements around the world:

  • Leap years occur every 4 years, except for years that are divisible by 100 but not 400. The next leap year is 2028.
  • The Gregorian calendar, which is widely used today, was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 to correct the drift of the Julian calendar.
  • The ancient Egyptians are credited with inventing the 365-day calendar, which was closely linked to the cycles of the Nile River.
  • February 30th actually existed in the Swedish calendar in 1712.
  • The zodiac system originated in ancient Babylon, with each sign representing a section of the ecliptic path of the sun.
  • The oldest known calendar, dating back to 8,000 BC, was found in Scotland.
  • The term "dog days of summer" refers to the hottest days of the year, which are traditionally linked to the appearance of Sirius, the Dog Star, in ancient Rome.
  • The longest day of the year, the summer solstice, usually occurs around June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • Before the year 1752, the New Year in Great Britain was celebrated on March 25th instead of January 1st.
Last Updated 2024-12-16 20:06:49 UTC